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www plumstead-stories.com

including Woolwich & Districts

Welcome to "Plumstead Stories."

It is with utmost sadness that Colin died suddenly on 10th April 2013. He was suffering from Lung cancer but was expected to have many months left, however the tumor ruptured and even though he was already in hospital under close observation, the bleeding could not be controlled and he passed away.
I will be keeping this website alive indefinitely in his memory and so others can share what he achieved.

Pete Cowley
Colin's flatmate and friend

 Please note that Colin's books are now out of print but a PDF copy of each book is listed below which you can download.  Due to all the included photos they are very large in size.

Common Folk Vol 1
Common Folk Vol 2
More Common Folk

Useful links are:

Wikipedia entry for PLUMSTEAD

We are very much indebted to the Plumstead Common Environment Group (www.pceg.co.uk) for their very generous donation of stories from folk's reminiscences.

Another excellent web site to visit with information on past & present news about Plumstead is wyngrant.tripod.com

Royal Arsenal Association

Hospital Histories

Greenwich Heritage Centre

Kent Online Parish Clerks (mainly for family history information in Plumstead area)

Woolwich London Footprints

Woolwich Dockyard History

Co-op Movement History Go to the publishers web site then click on 'Search' then scroll down and click on 'LABOUR HISTORY: Series Two: Minute Books & Papers' then select which years you want to read about.

Click here for information on the Princess Alice Disaster from the Thames Police Museum. (many thanks to Lorna Chudasama for the link)

http://www.southlondonguide.co.uk/woolwich/history.htm This starts with Saxon Woolwich 'Woolwich may have meant port from which wool was shipped.' then goes on with historic dates from 1380 (Ferry recorded at Woolwich) to 2001 (Museum of Artillery moved from Rotunda to Firepower in Royal Arsenal). - Lorna Chudasama.

London Gardens Online - Rockliffe Gardens - a view of Rockcliffe Gardens.

Shooters Hill - Learn more about this area of our historical and very distinct hill.

Comedy on the Common - Comedy on the Common is recommended by Time Out and local blog sites - Plumsteadshire and Planet Plumstead - and the Plumstead Common Environment Group. Top acts such as Reginald D Hunter (Have I Got News for You) and Bob Mills have performed at the club. The local area has been lacking in entertainment for some time and Comedy on the Common hopes to bridge the gap.

www.londonslostrivers.com - This website has been created to promote the book of London's Lost Rivers (contrary to my Derelict London book which was created to follow on from the website of the same name)

www.derelictlondon.com - "For fans of the capital's hidden underbelly, these abandoned and derelict buildings carry a melancholy poignancy"

www.derelicteurope.com - This really is a ramshackle selection of snaps that I have taken over the last couple of years when out and about in the UK and Europe which I thought that I would share with you. Enjoy!!

Thank you for visiting "Plumstead Stories".

I am very much indebted to my friend Peter Cowley, whom, without his continued help and assistance and his computer skills and know how, this book web site could not have been developed, constantly added to, maintained and upgraded.

I am also very indebted to Allan Dewar for his invaluable assistance in proof reading and correcting of all the stories.

Many thanks also to Lorna Chudasama for her many invaluable contributions and sourcing of photos and facts etc., for the web site.

Please note;
If you spot any errors, typos, mistakes etc. anywhere amongst the many items and stories featured on my web site, however small, please contact me and let me know. It will be greatly appreciated.

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This site is © Copyright Colin Weightman 2006, All Rights Reserved.
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